Let Them Be Themselves!

There is this special thing that attracted us to our partners,something unique about them.Before we were together they were independent,in charge,now that we are together we try to change them,to control them,we try to restrict them from whom they really are.This has caused a lot of pain in relationships.It has caused a lot of partners to be living a faked life just to please the other partner.
The sparkle will no longer be there in the relationship. We are to encourage our partners to discover more potentials and talents in them and not limit their visions and dreams.
A lot of people complain that the love and sparkle is no longer in their relationships.Why? One of the reasons is not being one's self,trying to imitate someone else.Our partners can never be comfortable being in bondage, not being free to express themselves, always being commanded.
Allow your partner to bring out the best in them,you are to love and encourage them and not enslave them. Remember that promising, strong,independent etc person you fail in love with then. Have that person improved in his or her talents and skills now that you are together through your encouragement and support or have you made them to hide who they really are to please you.Don't be selfish.

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