Philippians 2:12 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,
Praise God. In the previous message we studied on how to feed ones spiritual being by accepting the gift of eternal life which is Christ.
Today we will look into how to maintain the salvation you have gotten.
There is something you should know, as someone can loose a gift physically so can someone loose his or her salvation spiritually.
That is why someone that is saved needs to be attentive.
A spiritual being called the devil is always at the corner to steal the salvation away.
The devil does not want human beings to be saved, he wants them to perish.
“The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
(John 10:10).
You have to be attentive.
How to maintain your salvation.
1) Work out your salvation in prayers.
2) Do not go back to your old way of living no matter how comfortable it seems like. For as someone that is saved you are now a new creature.
3) Be modest in all you do. Your apparel (dressing), your speeches, your interaction with people. For the devil is always looking for a means to accused the saved.
4) Study the scripture daily so you would know what the Lord want you to do and what He does not want you to do.
5) Ask from the Lord, to be filled with the Holy spirit so that you will be able to dictate temptation (traps) when they are on your way.
Note: No one is saved and saved forever as far as the person is still in the physical world (still with flesh). One can loose his or her salvation if he/she does not take time to watch and pray.
In your place of prayer always ask God for help to keep running or moving and to shield you. Because 👇🏻
The devil is very cunning, so be wise.
G🌼🌼D M🌼RNING and God bless you.