Speak Wisely

 Psalms 39:1 I said to myself, “I will watch what I do 

    and not sin in what I say. 

I will hold my tongue 

    when the ungodly are around me.

Praise God. Beloved we need to watch our doings,  people read us more by what they see us do, also people  deal with us with what they see or hear we do.

Our doings as children of God should always be good, because everywhere or Father went Him was doing good. Acts 10:38.

The Psalmist said "I will hold my tongue when the ungodly are around me".

Some of us do not know how to hold back our tongue from issues that may lead us in to trouble. To say the truth is good, to boast about God is upper good, but the scripture says for the peace of the gospel sometimes we should keep silent behave as fool, for peace (Christ) sake. (1 Corinthians 4:10)

Mind your words especially when you are around the ungodly. They can misunderstand every single word of yours or what you do.

You need to be very wise to know when to speak and when not to.

G🌺🌺D M🌺RNING and happy weekend. Shalom.


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