My Rock And My Redeemer

 Psalms 19:14 May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight,  Lord , my Rock and my Redeemer.

Praise God. Many do not know that the words which comes out of their mouth can be a condemnation to them. As a child of God it is not all words that are meant for you.

There are many conversations you have to stay away from, many statements, phrases that should not be heard from you. Because you are different from the world. Before saying anything evaluate if it is acceptable to The Lord. Many do not know when they speak wrongly, this is why you need the Holy Spirit to direct you speech.

He helps you to filter your words, listen to Him when He speaks to you on what to say and what not to say.

Our meditations also matters in the sight of The Lord, there are acceptable meditations and unacceptable meditations. As a child of God, what do you meditate on?

Many spend there time meditating on selfish desires and pleasures.

Beloved most people do not even have time to meditate the word of God anymore. Nor do they have time to meditate in songs that will edify the soul and the spirit. But they want God to be their Rock and Redeemer.

Don’t be deceive my brethren “For he that sow to the flesh shall reap corruption; but he that sow to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap everlasting life. Galatians 6:8. Be Wise.



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