Daniel 5:15 My wise men and enchanters have tried to read the words on the wall and tell me their meaning, but they cannot do it.
Praise God. Reading helps us to understand what the writer/author is really saying, that is why in school it’s important for all students to know how to read to a certain point.
But what happened that the wise men/enchanters of king Belshazzar could not read and interpret the meaning of the message on the wall?.
Beloved I come to understand that, before you can be called upon by a king for service, you are a well respected person educationally and otherwise “human understanding”, but in God’s sight being spiritually educated is better than physical education, the wise men/enchanters couldn’t interpret the writing on the wall because they were not spiritually educated (connected).
Daniel could do that because he has attended the school of the kingdom which gives wisdom/understanding to all miseries.
Many people today, the Lord has been communicating with them in different ways but they still lack the spiritual growth to understand. I pray for you this morning being the 1st day of April that the Lord will open your eyes to see clearly, your ears to hear clearly and your heart to listen carefully as Daniel did in Jesus Christ Name. Amen.
G🍅🍅D M🍅RNING And Happy New Month. Shalom.