Your Body

 Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

Praise God. It is very common is to see a christian that thinks the Lord cares less of what we do with our body. A christian that thinks The Lord is only concerned in our heart.

Hear the words of The Lord this morning. The Lord is concerned about your body. He wants you to offer your body as a living sacrifice. Keep it holy if you truly want to worship Him, worship Him in Spirit and in truth.

What you do with your body determines if you are a true worshipper or not. 

Beloved, your body is the temple of the Holy spirit, do not soil it with sin and worldliness.

Do not let anyone deceive you by telling you it doesn't matter. 

Do not let it be too late before you realize that what you thought didn't matter, matters. Be wise.

G🌼🌼D M🌼RNING And Happy Weekend. Shalom.


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