Psalms 125:3 For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity.
Praise God. For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous. Do you know that there is a way the wicked prevails over the righteous, it discourages the righteous until they join that wickedness.
Example: If you are due for your salaries (5 months) and the boss refuses to pay you, he is tempting you to steal, which means he has made you as a righteous man you to put your hands into iniquity by stealing or lying.
The wicked ones can pressurize you to dance into wickedness (iniquity).
A Godly person/an organization that a wicked person rule over with every form of wickedness, that person/organization might end up been filled with iniquities but our God will not allow such to happen to us.
Beloved let us be careful, our generation is filled with wicked people, leaders and rules, but the good news is that they will all tremble and submit themselves to God’s Mighty Power In Jesus Christ Name. Be rest assured that the evil ones will not rule over your life and ministry.
G🌸🌸D M🌸RNING And God bless you. Shalom.