John 15:4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
Praise God. Here is a message for you. There is no two ways in following Christ. Any act that is taking you away from Christ is taking Christ away from you. That you were in Christ does not mean you will remain in Christ. Many people who accepted the life of Christ have lost their salvation thinking they are still in Him.
Are you professing Christ the same way you did when you first accepted Him as your Lord and personal Savior?
Some people still believe in once saved forever saved. This message proves that believe wrong. If you remain in Christ, He remains in you. If you leave Him, He leaves you and you become empty. Its very saddening that we have a lot of empty vessels in the gathering of brethren today. They have gradually gone back to their former ways of dressing, talking, behavior thinking they are modifying themselves.
Ask the Lord to open your eyes to see where you going wrong. You might be trying to prove to people that you are right, remember on the Last day you are on your own. Your logic and defense won't save you. What will save you is Christ and remaining in Him till the end. Do not be ashamed of accepting the truth, turn away from that wrong way. Come back to Christ.
God Bless You. Shalom.