The Direction To Treasures

 2 Samuel 2:1  In the course of time, David inquired of the Lord . “Shall I go up to one of the towns of Judah?” he asked. The Lord said, “Go up.” David asked, “Where shall I go?” “To Hebron,” the Lord answered.

Praise God. David enquired from the Lord of what He wants him to do, he asked the Lord if he (David) should go up to one of the towns of Judah and the Lord asked him to go. David did not just ask if he should go, he also asked God where the Lord wants him to go, the Lord told him to go to Hebron. David took his family and his men and went to Hebron, there the people of Judah anointed him King.

Most times we are at the wrong place at the right time. This is because we have refused to ask God for direction. If David had not asked the Lord of where he should go, imagine how it would have been. He would have missed being anointed king over Judah. 

Many have missed their blessings because they have not asked from the Lord where He wants them to be. The Lord has kept blessings for you but are you ready to leave you own "wisdom" and strength and ask the Lord for direction.  Enquire from the Lord about that journey/business you want to embark on.

Beloved the Lord knows where the golds and blessings are, He alone can direct you to them. 

God Bless You. Shalom.

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