3 John 1:2 Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.
Praise God. Does your spiritual health concern you at all?
We are so much concerned about our physical health and well being forget our spiritual being. Most People are rich physically but poor spiritually.
As your body is flourishing let your soul flourish too because it is very important. As you long to be beautiful physically long also to be beautiful spiritually.
Paul was praying for the physical health of the brethren and also the spiritual health of them.
Any one that is not health spiritually can not make the Kingdom of God.
Your spiritual life is affected by your physical life.
Anything you do physically can either boast or kill you spiritually.
Things that kills your spiritual life.
1) Worldliness (love of the world)
2) Sin
3) Less of studying the Scripture.
4) Decrease in prayer (communication with God)
If only we can shorn worldliness, sin and study more of God's words. Increase our prayer life then our spiritual life will get boasted.
Brethren be health Spiritually.
G🍀🍀D M🍀RNING and God bless you. Shalom